Configuring Report
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Configuring Report

Article summary

The comparison report includes three configuration option areas: Risk Threshold, Report By, and Include.

Risk Threshold

The risk threshold typically represents the maximum amount of risk the organization wants to accept. It defaults to the amount copied from the timeline assessment that the comparison assessment was created from. The system default for new timeline assessments is one million. The threshold is represented by a vertical line on the bar chart and can be hidden by toggling the Threshold checkbox.

Report By

Use the Report By options to specify which of the six available summary statistic values to display in the report. You can only select one value at a time. Selecting an option immediately updates all components of the report to display the specified values


These configuration options allow you to specify which of the comparison analyses display. All analyses are selected by default. The baseline analysis cannot be disabled.

  • Deselecting an option hides the following information:
  • In all modes:
    • Subheader
    • Bar in the bar chart
    • Tabular analysis results table.
  • In cost-benefit mode:
    • The analysis headline (this removes the headline for that analysis from the drop-down headline choice list).
    • Row from Risk Treatment Details table
  • When an analysis does not have results because it has not been run, the Include option for the analysis is deselected and disabled with an explanatory tooltip, and the analysis does not appear on the report.
  • When all comparison analyses are deselected, only the baseline analysis displays on the report.

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