Report Components
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Report Components

Article summary

The following sections give you more detailed information about the components in the report.


Comparison mode: The headline component displays the selected summary statistic value from the baseline analysis results. The default option that displays is average.

Cost-benefit mode: In the cost-benefit mode, there is a unique headline for each comparison analysis in the assessment. The system chooses a default headline, and the other analysis headlines can be selected to display as needed.

Cost-benefit headlines display the following information:

  • The name of the comparison analysis.
  • Cost-benefit statement: The change in risk (ALE) and the change in cost compared to the baseline analysis. Both cost and risk can increase, decrease, or not change at all.
  • Percentage change in risk statement.

If there is no change in risk, this statement is not displayed

Default headline: The default headline that displays is the analysis that decreases risk the most compared to the baseline. If all comparison analyses increase risk from the baseline, the headline displays the analysis with the smallest increase to risk.
To display a new headline, click the expand icon and then select a different cost-benefit headline.


A subheadline box displays for each comparison analysis in the assessment. Subheadlines display the risk values for the selected Report By summary statistic for the comparison analyses and the percentage difference from the baseline result.

In cost-benefit mode, the analysis with the largest reduction in risk also includes the statement Reduces risk the most.
If the risk for all analyses has risen above the baseline, the analysis with the smallest increase in risk displays Increases risk in the least.

Bar Chart

The bar chart displays proportional bars and numerical values representing the results for the selected Report By summary statistic for each of the analyses in the assessment.

Configuring Bar Chart

The bar chart includes the following configurations:

  • View Delta: Displays the delta number in the grey/dark blue bar. The delta number is the amount above or below the baseline (the baseline is 100%).
  • ViewLossExposure: Display the loss exposure value (ALE) in the blue bar.
  • ViewThreshold: Display the vertical threshold line. This displays a line to view the set threshold against the results. The threshold value displays above the line.
  • ViewDollars/Percent: These radio buttons allow you to select whether to see numbers as dollar values or percentages. When View Percent is selected: 
    • Only the delta value displays. 
    • The threshold line does not display.

Risk Treatment Details Table

This table is only visible when the report is in cost-benefit mode. The table contains rows for each analysis in the assessment and the following data columns:

  • Treatment Type: If all treatments in the analysis have the same type, that type is displayed. If multiple types are present, this column displays Multiple. If no type is specified, it displays as None.
  • Timeline: The highest timeline value specified from all treatments in the analysis.
  • Total Cost: The sum of all unique treatments in the analysis.

Analysis Tables

The Analyses section displays the tabular ALE results per analysis in the comparison assessment.

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