Release Notes v3.19
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Release Notes v3.19

Article summary

Release Date: March 24, 2023

Revised Date: March 28, 2023

What’s New?

This release includes updates to the Comparison Assessment workflow for a more efficient user experience as well as numerous bug fixes around functionality and UI. The workflow changes split the Timeline Risk Assessments and the Comparison Risk Assessments, each with its own pre-filtered table of entries

Comparison Assessment Workflow Updates

The Comparison Assessments page update makes the ‘Type’ column no longer required.

Removal of “Type“ Column

Comparison Table – the Comparison Assessment page now contains a sortable table that can be filtered with the following columns: Name, Purpose, Created, and Last Updated. This table is populated with all comparison assessments in the group the user is currently in.

Timeline and Comparison identifier removal – with the comparison assessment being separated from the timeline risk assessment functionality, the ‘type’ label is no longer relevant to prevent user confusion.

Bug Fixes/UI Improvements

• Create and Edit Data Helper - Confirmation Modal

o The cancel button for adding/editing a data helper answer was not opening the confirmation modal. This fix ensures a user does not lose their progress when adding/editing a data helper.

• Scenario Export Menu Download

o Previously, if a user clicked on a menu item but did not click on the text, the menu closed, preventing the download to start.

• Data Helper Answer Rationale - Rich Text in Subscription Menu

o The Asset Subscription menu was not displaying rich text in the Rationale field correctly.

• Scenarios Treatment Comparison Page - Table/Graph Alignment

o On the Scenarios Treatment Comparison page, the table and graph now align properly.

• Comparison Assessment Scenario - onBlur Inputs

o Previously, the inputs for the Comparison Assessment Scenario Workshop were acting like saving was taking place but saving was not occurring.

• Set as Current confirmation popup for Timeline Risk Assessment

o Selecting timeline as the current wasn’t showing a popup confirmation dialog for users.

• Comparison Report - Error Download Options

o Previously, when a user selected one or more options to download from the Comparison Report, an error was received.

• Header UI Changes for Breadcrumbs

o Previously, from the menu options, when a user selected the breadcrumbs, the associated links were not clickable.

Known Issues and Exclusions

  • Switching groups in RiskLens has a workaround from previous releases. Users can change groups once in a Risk Assessment, Scenario, Asset, Data Helper, Loss Table, or Threat. Previously users had to navigate from the home screen to a different group.

  • The minimum supported browser resolution is 1440 px width. Some application content and functionality are not visible or functional at smaller resolutions.

  • Some asset and scenario workshop keyboard control options do not function as expected in IE and Edge browsers. • In Comparison Assessments, occasionally, values do not save the entered values. The workarounds (in a WS question that has these issues) are to attempt a combination of (a) continually attempting to enter the values (the values do save, usually after 2-4 attempts); or (b) navigate away from the WS question and return. Note the values that are and should be present in the workshop before navigating away and back.

  • There is a known issue when the session timeout is set to 15 minutes because of a limitation with Microsoft.NET Framework. This framework dictates that the session cookie cannot be updated during the first half of the user’s session. When a user is inactive, the platform’s warning popup displays when there are 10 minutes left in the session. Since a user cannot update the cookie within the first half of the session (before the halfway mark at 7:30 of 15:00), if the user clicks Stay Logged In in those first 2.5 minutes, their session will not reset to 15 minutes and will time out at the end of the original 15 minutes.

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