Release Notes v3.15
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Release Notes v3.15

Article summary

Release Date: May 6th, 2022


This release adds new functionality for adding and removing scenarios from topics, improvements to Portfolio reports, updates to the data helper list view, new API endpoints, and other usability enhancements.


Manage Topic Scenarios

A new Manage Scenarios page is available where you can centrally manage which scenarios you would like to include in your topic report.


• Portfolios (and their associated topics) are an optional add-on feature to the RiskLens platform. Contact your customer success manager for additional details or to request a 90-day free trial of the feature.

• Users must have the Manage Portfolios and Topics permission to view and manage the scenarios assigned to a topic using the Manage Scenarios page.

To access the Manage Scenarios page, use the menu options for the topic on the Portfolio and Topics list page.

A listing of all available scenarios, including their scope attributes and group association will be displayed on the Manage Scenarios page. Scenarios that have already been assigned to the given topic will have an enabled check to the left of the scenario name.

Adding Scenarios

To add scenarios to your topic report, check the box to the left of the desired scenarios.

Scenarios that have already been associated with a different topic within the same portfolio as the topic you are currently managing will show as disabled (grayed out) and will not be available for selection.

Removing Scenarios

Scenarios that you have added to the topic you are managing will have an enabled check to the left of the scenario name. To remove scenarios from your topic, uncheck the corresponding boxes.

Updating Topic Report

The topic report must be re-run to reflect the changes made on the Manage Scenarios page. To navigate to the topic report from the Manage Scenarios page, use the Back to Portfolios button or the back arrow to go back to the portfolios and topics menu.

From the portfolios and topics menu, select the view report menu option of the associated topic.

Select Run Report to refresh the results to reflect your changes.

Assigning Topics to Individual Scenarios

Scenarios that contain only a draft version display text in the Topics section of the Scenario Details page to alert the user that the scenario will be excluded from the associated topic and portfolio reports until a current version is available.

Topic Report

The topic report settings are now persistent and will not default back to the original selections when a user navigates away from the report or logs out of RiskLens. The persisted settings include:

• Risk Threshold

• Show Threshold

• Report By

Aggregate Reports

An Aggregate Reports section is now available within the portfolio report. The metrics within the Aggregate Reports summarize the risk associated with scenarios assigned to topics within the portfolio.

The section contains the following tabs: Summary, Assets, Threats, Methods, and Loss Effects.


The summary tab contains metrics related to the annualized aggregate loss exposure of the portfolio. These metrics represent the aggregate (total) annual forecasted loss associated with scenarios assigned to topics within the portfolio.

The Annualized Aggregate Loss Exceedance Curve depicts the probability of different amounts of forecasted loss occurring per year. The graph defaults to using a Linear scale. To view a Logarithmic scale instead, click on Linear Scale in the upper right corner of the graph. This graph can be downloaded using the download icon to the right of the graph.


The asset tab contains a breakdown of the annualized aggregate loss exposure of the portfolio by asset and asset category. The metrics for each are depicted in a box and whisker chart as well as a table. In addition to the annualized aggregate loss exposure metrics, the table also counts how many scenarios within the portfolio involve the respective asset or asset category.

The left and right “whiskers” represent the minimum and maximum annualized aggregate loss exposure for the given asset or asset category, respectively. The length of the “box” represents the 10th-90th percentile annualized aggregate loss exposure for the given asset or asset category. Each box and whisker chart can be downloaded using the download icon in the upper right corner of the respective chart.


The threats tab contains a breakdown of the annualized aggregate loss exposure of the portfolio by threat and threat community. The metrics for each are depicted in a box and whisker chart as well as a table. In addition to the annualized aggregate loss exposure metrics, the table also counts how many scenarios within the portfolio involve the respective threat or threat community.

The left and right “whiskers” represent the minimum and maximum annualized aggregate loss exposure for the given threat or threat community, respectively. The length of the “box” represents the 10th-90th percentile annualized aggregate loss exposure for the given threat or threat community. Each box and whisker chart can be downloaded using the download icon in the upper right corner of the respective chart.


The methods tab contains a breakdown of the annualized aggregate loss exposure of the portfolio by the method. The metrics for each are depicted in a box and whisker chart as well as a table. In addition to the annualized aggregate loss exposure metrics, the table also counts how many scenarios within the portfolio involve the respective method.

The left and right “whiskers” represent the minimum and maximum annualized aggregate loss exposure for the given method. The length of the “box” represents the 10th-90th percentile annualized aggregate loss exposure for the given method. The box and whisker chart can be downloaded using the download icon in the upper right corner of the chart.

Loss Effects

The loss effects tab contains a breakdown of the annualized aggregate loss exposure of the portfolio by loss effect. The metrics for each are depicted in a box and whisker chart as well as a table. In addition to the annualized aggregate loss exposure metrics, the table also counts how many scenarios within the portfolio involve the respective loss effect.

The left and right “whiskers” represent the minimum and maximum annualized aggregate loss exposure for the given loss effect. The length of the “box” represents the 10th-90th percentile annualized aggregate loss exposure for the given loss effect. The box and whisker chart can be downloaded using the download icon in the upper right corner of the chart.

Data Helpers

View and Sort by Last Updated Date

The data helper list view now contains a column with the last updated date for each data helper.

The last updated date is updated any time there is a change to the data helper or any of the associated data helper answers. The data helper list view can be sorted by the last updated date by clicking on the Last Updated column header.

Scenarios & Risk Assessments

New Timeline Version Language

The action to create a new draft version within the timeline of a scenario or risk assessment has been relabeled from “Create Copy” to “Create Draft.”


New Endpoints



GET/ Threats

Returns all threats.

Returns all threats.

Returns all loss table collections.

POST/ Scenario

Creates a scoped scenario.

  • Correction: The release notes originally published on April 29th included a new POST/AssetWorkshop endpoint and updates to the GET/assets/technology/{id} endpoint. Those updates are not yet available and are scheduled for inclusion in the upcoming 3.16 release.

  • If you are interested in the API documentation, please contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.


• Fixed an issue where organizations with large numbers of groups were unable to access RiskLens from certain browsers.

• Fixed an issue where an error would display if the user refreshed the page while the portfolio or topic drawer was open.

• Scenarios that are created from a copy of an existing scenario no longer inherit the original scenario’s topic associations.

• Values just below the next unit ("$999,999”, “$999,999,999”, etc.) now round appropriately to “$1M”, “$1B”, etc.

• The forms of loss reporting within the Microsoft Word scenario export report now use the metric selected in the Report By options in RiskLens, rather than defaulting to the most likely.

• The Last Updated Date within the Topics section of the scenario Details page no longer resets to the previous last updated date when a topic is removed from the scenario. Instead, the date is updated to reflect the date and time of the topic removal.


• The minimum supported browser resolution is 1440 px width. Some application content and functionality are not visible or functional at smaller resolutions.

• Some asset and scenario workshop keyboard control options do not function as expected in IE and Edge browsers.

• There is a known issue when the session timeout is set to 15 minutes because of a limitation with Microsoft.NET Framework. This framework dictates that the session cookie cannot be updated during the first half of the user’s session. When a user is inactive, the platform’s warning popup displays when there are 10 minutes left in the session. Since a user cannot update the cookie within the first half of the session (before the halfway mark at 7:30 of 15:00), if the user clicks Stay Logged In in those first 2.5 minutes, their session will not reset to 15 minutes and will time out at the end of the original 15 minutes.

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