Release Notes v3.11
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Release Notes v3.11

Article summary

Release Date: August 13th, 2021


The comparison assessment report can now be exported as a PowerPoint presentation.


Comparison Assessments

PowerPoint Export

The Comparison Assessment report, scoped analyses, and scenario results can now be exported as a PowerPoint file. To export, click the report download icon on the comparison assessment Overview or Reports tab, and click Download PPT Report.

The PowerPoint export is divided into multiple sections and contains slides with reporting results for the assessment, each of the scoped analyses, and each of the analyses’ scoped scenarios.

Section 1: Assessment Slides

The first section of the export is named for the assessment and contains two similar slides of assessment results. Use these results to review and compare the risk and cost of all assessment analyses.

Assessment Summary Slide

This slide contains the following information:

•A subtitle summarizing the selected comparison report headline statement. By default, this is the most-impactful analysis in the assessment (most risk reduction for least amount spent).

•A bar chart representing loss exposure results for the baseline analysis (Current Risk Exposure) and all comparison analyses in the assessment.

•Cost-benefit summary statements illustrating how much risk (loss exposure) would be reduced or increased for every dollar spent or saved.

•Three text areas that reserve space to provide additional information. By default, these contain suggested callouts for the most common presentation narratives

Assessment Summary with Changes Slide

This slide contains the same content as the assessment summary slide, with two additional columns:

Change in Risk: Displays the amount of risk increase or reduction from the baseline analysis (current risk exposure) for each comparison analysis

Change in Cost: Displays the amount of cost savings or investment from the baseline analysis (current risk exposure)

Sections 2–5: Analysis and Scenario Results Slides

The subsequent sections of the export contain analysis and scenario information and results. Each section contains the following details:

• The section is named after the analysis it represents

• Four slides with analysis risk results

• One or more slides with the analysis’ scoped scenario results.

Analysis Forms of Loss Slide

This slide contains the following information:

• A bar chart with risk results for all six primary forms of loss (Type of Loss) in an easy comparison view for both states of the analysis:

o Current State: This is the baseline analysis state

o After Treatment: This represents the risk value of the proposed treatment from the comparison analysis

• Three text areas that reserve space to provide additional information. By default, these contain suggested callouts for the most common presentation narratives.

Analysis Highest Risk Assets Slide

This slide contains the following information:

• A bar chart with risk results for the three assets with the most risk (highest aggregate annualized loss exposure by asset) in an easy comparison view for both states of the analysis:

o Current State: This is the baseline analysis state

o After Treatment: This represents the risk value of the proposed treatment from the comparison analysis

• Three text areas that reserve space to provide additional information. By default, these contain suggested callouts for the most common presentation narratives.

Analysis Highest Risk Threats Slide

This slide contains the following information:

• A bar chart with risk results for the top three threats with the most risk (highest aggregate annualized loss exposure by asset) in an easy comparison view for both states of the analysis:

o Current State: This is the baseline analysis state

o After Treatment: This represents the risk value of the proposed treatment from the comparison analysis

• Three text areas that reserve space to provide additional information. By default, these contain suggested callouts for the most common presentation narratives.

Analysis Highest Risk Loss Effects Slide

This slide contains the following information:

• A bar chart with risk results for the top three loss effects (types of business impact) with the most risk (highest aggregate annualized loss exposure by loss effect) in an easy comparison view for both states of the analysis:

o Current State: This is the baseline analysis state

o After Treatment: This represents the risk value of the proposed treatment from the comparison analysis.

• Three text areas that reserve space to provide additional information. By default, these contain suggested callouts for the most common presentation narratives.

Scenario Results Slides

The scenario results slides contain one or more slides with results for each of the scoped scenarios in the analysis. These are then compared to their counterpart scenario in the baseline analysis. This slide contains the following information:

• A bar chart displays the risk (ALE), annual event probability, per-event loss exposure, and annualized loss, for up to three scenario comparison pairs in an easy comparison view for both states of the analysis:

o Current State: This is the baseline analysis state

o After Treatment: This represents the risk value of the proposed treatment from the comparison analysis.

• If an analysis contains more than three scenarios, additional scenarios will display on subsequent slides.

Configuring the Presentation

The following comparison assessment report options affect the content of the PowerPoint (PPT) export:

• Report by

• Include

The export exclusively uses native elements so that you can edit all text and charts directly in PowerPoint. These charts use embedded Excel spreadsheets so you can change the chart data with Excel. To open the embedded Excel spreadsheet, right-click on a chart, and click Edit Data in Excel.

Additionally, given the native PowerPoint management experience, quickly optimize corporate branded reports by copying and pasting the exported slides or charts into a corporate presentation template, which will automatically apply corporate brand styling.

General Improvements

The following enhancements affect both timeline and comparison assessments.

• The back button on the risk assessment Edit Analysis Scope page now goes back to the previous page. Previously, this navigated up one level to the library page.

• Exporting an analysis scenarios report to Word now contains the event frequency and average annualized loss exposure results.


The following changes apply to both scenario and asset workshops.

Subscription Management

• Subscriptions have been updated so you can view and manage them without first removing a previous subscription. Click the subscription chip to open view the existing subscription details or replace the current subscription with a new selection.

• When adding a new subscription, if there are no asset subscriptions available, the Data Helper tab displays as the default tab, and the Asset tab is disabled.



The workshop tab previously labeled Threat Event Frequency is now called Event Frequency to reflect all frequency options rather than just threat event frequency.



Most sections of this report can now be expanded and collapsed. The state of each section will persist throughout the user session.


• Data helper answer rationale now supports rich text formatting.

• Data helper subscriptions have been updated so you can view and manage them without first removing a previous subscription. Click the subscription chip to open view the existing subscription details or replace the current subscription with a new selection.


RiskLens introduces rate-limiting to the integration API for secure, reliable access to your data. For more on rate limiting, refer to the API Administration and User Guide, API Endpoints.

Updated Endpoints



GET /scenarios

Returns all scenarios in the system.

• If present, current results will be returned.

• If no current results are present, draft results are returned.

• If the draft version does not have results, no results are returned.

GET /riskassessments/id/riskanalysis

Returns the specified risk analysis and all its scoped scenarios. Scenario results behavior is consistent with new behavior outlined above for the GET /scenarios endpoint.

All endpoints

Number rounding is now consistent with the web application.


• Scenario links in risk assessments have been updated so they can be opened in new browser windows or tabs.


No security fixes for this release.


Comparison assessments

• Comparison analyses have been updated so they get stuck in a running state less frequently.

• Corrected an issue where users were prevented from creating more than one copy of the baseline analysis.

• Comparison report audit logs now correctly display name of the report when it is viewed.

• Comparison analyses can now be created immediately after creating or deleting another analysis. Previously, they could not be created successfully until 15-60 seconds after creating or deleting another one.

Other general updates

• Long text strings correctly wrap in all rationale fields.

• API GET /subscriptions now return the correct response if IDs are wrong.

• Scenario workshop answers do not update when the subscribed asset gets subscribed to a DH.

• In the Word export of the analysis scenarios report, the top scenarios section upper percentile results now display accurately.

• The scenario and risk analysis timeline trendline is now displayed for all date ranges.


• The minimum supported browser resolution is 1440 px width. Some application content and functionality are not visible or functional at smaller resolutions.

• Some asset and scenario workshop keyboard control options do not function as expected in IE and Edge browsers.

• There is a known issue when session timeout is set to 15 minutes because of a limitation with Microsoft.NET Framework. This framework dictates that the session cookie cannot be updated during the first half of the user’s session. When a user is inactive, the platform’s warning popup displays when there are 10 minutes left in the session. Since a user cannot update the cookie within the first half of the session (before the halfway mark at 7:30 of 15:00), if the user clicks Stay Logged In in those first 2.5 minutes, their session will not reset to 15 minutes and will time out at the end of the original 15 minutes.

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