Loss Table Classifications & Mapping
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Loss Table Classifications & Mapping

Article summary

Loss Table Classifications & Mapping

What types of loss tables are provided by RiskLens?

RiskLens provides multiple loss tables to enable efficiency in consistency in analysis work. These loss tables are classified into two different types based on their content, origin, and value:

  • Advanced Modeling
  • Professional Estimate

Loss Table Classifications

The following table describes each classification of loss table.



RiskLens support

Advanced Modeling

Loss tables that are produced with proprietary modeling developed by the RiskLens Risk Science and Data Science teams by leveraging public and private cyber datasets. These go beyond industry statistics by using advanced techniques to adjust for time and scenario context to translate data to FAIR parameters.

Model review available upon request

Professional Estimate

Through professional services consulting, RiskLens has analyzed thousands of scenarios across hundreds of large enterprises in critical industries such as healthcare, financial services, and technology. The RiskLens’ collective expertise gained from these engagements has contributed to these expert-estimated ranges. These ranges can be used as-is or refined further to match your specific context.

Provided as-is

Loss Table Classifications Mapping

Loss Table



Payment Card Information (PCI)

Fines & Judgments

Advanced modeling

Payment Card Information (PCI)


Professional Estimate

Payment Card Information (PCI)

Credit Monitoring

Professional Estimate

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Fines & Judgments

Advanced modeling

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)


Professional Estimate

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Credit Monitoring

Professional Estimate

Protected Health Information (PHI)

Fines & Judgments

Advanced modeling

Protected Health Information (PHI)


Professional Estimate

Protected Health Information (PHI)

Credit Monitoring

Professional Estimate

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