Content Pack Data Helper Classifications & Mapping
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Content Pack Data Helper Classifications & Mapping

Article summary

Content Pack Data Helper Classifications & Mapping

What types of data helpers are provided by RiskLens?

RiskLens provides many data helpers in the Catalog with the Starter content pack. These data helpers are classified into five different types based on their content, origin, and value:

  • Advanced Modeling

  • Industry Statistic

  • Professional Estimate

  • Template

  • Generic Range

Data Helper Classifications

The following table describes each classification of data helper.



RiskLens support

Advanced Modeling

Content pack data helpers that are produced with proprietary modeling developed by the RiskLens Risk Science and Data Science teams by leveraging public and private cyber datasets. These go beyond industry statistics by using advanced techniques to adjust for time and scenario context to translate data to FAIR parameters.

Model review available upon request

Industry Statistic

Published research data and findings are becoming more common in the cyber risk quantification space. RiskLens seeks to surface reliable and trusted cyber data sources containing summary statistics to produce industry-contextualized data helpers. The data sources used may be results of peer reviewed research studies, industry publications, or information sharing organizations.

Provided as-is

Professional Estimate

Through professional services consulting, RiskLens has analyzed thousands of scenarios across hundreds of large enterprises in critical industries such as healthcare, financial services, and technology. The RiskLens’ collective expertise gained from these engagements has contributed to these expert-estimated ranges and decision criteria. These ranges can be used as-is, or refined further to match your specific context.

Provided as-is


The most difficult aspect of data helper creation is identifying the key drivers that impact the estimate and categorizing them in a meaningful way. Drawing on RiskLens' collective expertise, these data helper structures and decision criteria were designed based on the key drivers and differentiators of thousands of real-world scenarios analyzed by the RiskLens professional services consulting team. The scenarios came from services with hundreds of large enterprises in critical industries such as healthcare, financial services, and technology. The templates are populated with default, generic data to be refined by the organization.

Provided as-is

Generic Range

In certain cases, the goal is to complete a scenario with broad, documented assumptions. These data helpers make sense in terms of structured ranges, but are not based on expert knowledge or industry averages. They are designed to allow users to express assumptions about scenarios in a quick, efficient, and consistent manner.

Provided as-is

Starter Content Pack Data Helper Classifications Mapping

Data Helper

Workshop Question


PII Data Access/Disclosure - Fines, Judgments, and Contractual (SLA) Cost

Secondary Fines and Judgments

Advanced modeling

PHI Data Access/Disclosure - Fines, Judgments, and Contractual (SLA) Cost

Secondary Fines and Judgments

Advanced modeling

PCI Data Access/Disclosure - Fines, Judgments, and Contractual (SLA) Cost

Secondary Fines and Judgments

Advanced modeling

Lost Revenue Due to Outage of Revenue-Generating System

Primary Productivity

Generic range

Capital Asset Replacement Cost (Native)

Primary Replacement

Generic range

Outage /Integrity Event - Fines, Judgments, and Contractual (SLA) Cost

Secondary Fines and Judgments

Generic range

Lost Future Revenue Due to Competitive Advantage Loss

Secondary Competitive Advantage

Generic range

Number of Sensitive Records Compromised

Sensitive Records

Generic range

Capital Asset Replacement Cost (Guided)

Replacement Cost

Generic range

Not Applicable (Primary Fines & Judgments)

Primary Fines and Judgments

Generic range

Not Applicable (Primary Competitive Advantage)

Primary Competitive Advantage

Generic range

Not Applicable (Primary Reputation)

Primary Reputation

Generic range

Not Applicable (Secondary Productivity)

Secondary Productivity

Generic range

Not Applicable (Secondary Replacement)

Secondary Replacement

Generic range

Not Applicable (Integrity Probability of Secondary Loss Occurring)

Integrity Secondary Effects Percentage

Generic range

Not Applicable (Customer Worth)

Customer Worth

Generic range

Loaded Hourly Employee Wage

Employee Wage

Industry statistic

Employee Replacement - HR and Recruiting Costs (Native)

Primary Replacement

Industry statistic

Employee Replacement - HR and Recruiting Costs (Guided)

Replacement Cost

Industry statistic

Incident Management Efforts, in Hours

Person Hours

Professional estimate

Secondary Stakeholder Notification, Response, and Management Cost

Secondary Response

Professional estimate

Lost Future Revenue Due to Customer Churn/Attrition

Secondary Reputation

Professional estimate

Outage /Integrity Event - Probability of Secondary Loss Occurring

Secondary Loss Event Frequency

Professional estimate

Compliant Authentication Strength


Professional estimate

Compliant Privileges Strength


Professional estimate

Compliant Structural Integrity Strength


Professional estimate

Non-Compliant Privileges Strength


Professional estimate

Data Access/Disclosure - Probability of Secondary Loss Occurring (Native)

Secondary Loss Event Frequency

Professional estimate

Data Access/Disclosure - Probability of Secondary Loss Occurring (Guided)

Confidentiality Secondary Effects Percentage

Professional estimate

Percentage of Suspicious Activity Logged

Loss Event Detection

Professional estimate

Percentage of Logged Suspicious Activity Recognized

Loss Event Recognition

Professional estimate

Outage - Probability of Secondary Loss Occurring

Outage - Probability of Secondary Loss Occurring

Professional estimate

Percentage of Employee Productivity Affected

Effect on Employee Productivity

Professional estimate

Probability of Direct Revenue Loss

Effect on Productivity

Professional estimate

Network Footholds per Year

Threat Event Frequency

Professional estimate

Insider Incidents Per Year (Malicious or Error)

Threat Event Frequency

Professional estimate

Ransomware Detections on Workstations, per Year

Threat Event Frequency

Professional estimate

Web Application Code Exploit Attempts, per Year

Threat Event Frequency

Professional estimate

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attempts, per Year

Threat Event Frequency

Professional estimate

Remote Code Execution (RCE) Attempts, per Year

Threat Event Frequency

Professional estimate

Unauthorized Cloud Accesses, per Year

Threat Event Frequency

Professional estimate

Network Foothold - Susceptibility to Asset Compromise


Professional estimate

Insider Error Incident - Susceptibility to Asset Compromise


Professional estimate

Insider Malicious Incident - Susceptibility to Asset Compromise


Professional estimate

Insider Misconfiguration Incident - Susceptibility to Asset Compromise


Professional estimate

Ransomware Detection - Susceptibility to Asset Compromise


Professional estimate

Web Application Code Exploit Attack Susceptibility


Professional estimate

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack Susceptibility


Professional estimate

Remote Code Execution (RCE) Attack Susceptibility


Professional estimate

Unauthorized Cloud Access-Susceptibility to Asset Compromise


Professional estimate

Outage Duration

Recovery Timeframe


Number of Employees with Productivity Impacted

Affected Employees


For Other Data Helpers, refer this

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